Providing for Our Community: MHCC Sponsors Helmets for Ice Skating Season
Our ice skating season has come to an end and we’d like to take a moment to thank a sponsor who keeps our patrons safe on the ice! Our friends at Memorial Hospital of Converse County sponsored David Street Station’s helmets this winter season, so each ice skating youth had a helmet to wear free of charge. Amy Hughs, on behalf of MHCC, spoke to the importance of our partnership as well as helmet usage. “Our mission at Memorial Hospital of Converse County is to Deliver Excellent Care With Compassion. That doesn’t end at our doors or once someone completes their appointment with their provider. We believe in continuing this out into the communities we serve, including Casper, by delivering on the promise of hometown care.
Memorial Hospital of Converse County not only sponsored our helmets this year but shared their generosity and commitment to safety in our community. The team of medical experts, doctors, and executives at MHCC know just what it takes to protect a growing brain. “Pediatric brain development, like all stages of brain health, should be protected when participating in sports or activities where a sudden fall or impact is entirely possible. Ice skating, for example, lends itself naturally to more injuries to falling or possible injury to the head. This is especially true for those who are inexperienced or just figuring out their fine and gross motor skills like young children or those who haven’t really skated before. As children learn to adapt to the ice and develop their skills, protecting their developing brains is very important, so that in the case of a sudden impact or fall their neurologic health is protected as much as possible from minor concussions to more severe brain injuries,” said Hughs.
“This program represented to us a need we could support to provide simple injury-control measures in the community,” explains Hughs
Memorial Hospital of Converse County consistently prioritizes safety and the public well-being. Their efforts, donations, and kindness have become an amazing asset to the patrons of David Street Station. Hughs states it best when she said, “We have been so pleased with our partnership with David Street Station in Downtown Casper! From sponsoring the summer movies to now working with the ice skating events and programs, this effort to us represents what can happen when people pull together to support their communities – their towns. We look forward to being a part of this effort going forward into 2020.” We are beyond thankful that the great state of Wyoming brought us our friends at MHCC.
We’d also like to take this time and thank all of our wonderful patrons and partners who joined us to skate this winter! The staff here at David Street Station is looking forward to more snowy memories next skating season.
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